Monday, May 21, 2007

May 21st update

Landed in Amsterdam after not sleeping all night. A little weary, we packed our heavy belongings and headed for the train station to Utrecht to meet with Donna (Turner Campers). She picked us up in an old VW bus and we thought to ourselves "Oh No I hope that is not ours!"
She was a bit disorganized to say the least, but finally after a couple of days of problems with our fridge, etc. we were on our way. We stayed in northern Holland for a couple of days of heavenly bliss getting our thoughts and feelings together for our upcoming journey. Our stay in Friesen was absolutely delightful. We enjoyed watching a sport that is only played in this part of Holland and enjoyed the people we spoke with. Most of the time we walk and enjoy the sights. Our van is working well -- touch wood everyone -- and we are sleeping and eating comfortably. For a country of 17 million that is so small, we cannot believe how much land there is. So far, the weather has been beautiful. Just a little rain one evening. To date, the takeaways from Holland are that everyone is in great shape due to the bicycle riding that everyone does. They also seem to eat well. Bicyclists have their own indendent lanes and generally the right-of-way. Georg says the women are beautiful. I liked the 17 year-old boys playing the sport we watched. Looking to head south to Belgium and on to Calais to take ferry to British Isles end of next week. Now that we have found out how to use our computer at the airport or whereever, will try to keep in touch.


Eileen & Bob said...

Wow, there you are finally on the other side of the big pond.

Oh, by the way, was the old VW bus she brought to pick you up yours?

Have fun, and keep us up to date.

Mary Lou Francis said...

Hi Sandra & George:

Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. Really are missing you two. Keep us informed and Keep Safe


Lou & Chuck