Monday, August 6, 2007

August 1

August 1st (sunny – seriously)
Again, as we said before, saying goodbye is never easy especially to these very special people. Our six nights spent with Rudolf and Irmgard were fantastic in the extreme. Our final breakfast was followed by a quick visit to the computer to download the latest blog and check messages and show Rudolf how to use the free translation service. They must have thought we were going to outer Siberia with the amount of foodstuffs they gave us for our travels. This type of hospitality has been shown to us by our friends and relatives. After an emotional goodbye, we were off to Berlin.
One thing we noticed was the definite difference as far as the infrastructure in old East/West Germany. The East German side still has remnants of the second WW destruction. As lovely as it was visiting every evening, it was nice to get back to our travel routine and “Susi”. George noticed that the software that we have been using for navigating does not extend to the eastern bloc countries so we will have to adlib as we go. We are excited about touring Berlin tomorrow.

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