Wednesday, August 1, 2007

july 21

July 21st (sunny and warm)
Georg and I drove into Hersfeld this morning, but Anneliese was insistent that we return by lunch as she was planning to make a special treat for us – Green Sauce over potatoes. I have been collecting a few recipes along the way and this was one for the books. As I have mentioned, I am growing by the day and this kind of food certainly does not help the waistline. George and I have both hit all-time highs – George at 216 and I am at 184.
We did not do too much else today except go for a few walks, read and catch up on the computer. Later in the evening we were invited to another birthday in Mechbah, 2 kms from Mecklar, with unbelievable food and a never-ending flow of beer, wine and snaps. Beer tents were set up in the backyard in preparation for the torrential rains, lightning and thunder that came throughout the evening. It was a great time with good conversation, lots of laughs and occasional singing. It was also a pleasure to meet and speak English with Joachim and Edithe Storck and be invited to their home tomorrow.

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