Monday, August 13, 2007

August 7

August 7th (sunny)
After another good sleep, we were packed and driving by nine. Today, we drove in the direction of Warsaw and stopped halfway at a place called Itawa. We took small rural roads and found the countryside engaged in farming activities that in most western countries are already outdated. Besides watching storks in their nests, we also saw tobacco being harvested and dried. Cigarettes are quite inexpensive here (about $2.00 Cdn/package) and the Poles seem to smoke more than any country we have been to.
Georg noticed that the number of wind generators in Poland are not anywhere near what we have seen in other countries. We also saw a lot of lakes today driving through many national parks. Another interesting observation was that the soil even 100 miles south of the Baltic Sea is sandy like the beach.
We are settled into a treed campsite that resembles ours at home. We watched a semi-pro soccer team practice and Georg watched some smaller children play soccer. Had a delicious chicken dinner, went for a walk to the lake and looking forward to our drive to Warsaw tomorrow.

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