Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 14

August 14th (sunny and warm)
Today we drove approx. 300kms to Bratislava, Slovakia en route to Prague. We have read that it is a recommended spot for stopovers between Budapest and Prague. The drive was quite pleasant – one of the few days we have not been rained upon. When we arrived at the campground, we found a shady spot as it was quite warm and Georg proceeded to jump in the lake nearby.
Again, definitely see that the eastern bloc countries are way behind our standard of living. Things are built, but not maintained – quite similar to Mexico, except that Mexico seems to be catering to its tourists more. George noted that most of the campsites in the eastern bloc countries are charging the same as the western bloc countries. That being the case, they are a huge rip off because everything is in a shambles.
There was an interesting water ski and wakeboard facility built using overhead cables built on a circuit from structures embedded in the lake bottom that pulled people along the water instead of power boats. This idea might work in our lakes; no noise – no gas. The rest of the day was spent visiting with other campers and doing our usual reading and crib playing before going to bed. This is the worst excuse for a campground yet. No hot showers and everything else very primitive to say the least.

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