Friday, June 15, 2007

June 10

June 10th (foggy & sunny)
After doing laundry and getting travelling tips for Scotland from a neighbour, we drove the 35 miles from Barns Ness to the Park & Ride into Edinburgh. Although it is Sunday morning, the roads do not seem as busy in Scotland. Our first impression of Edinburgh was not as we had expected. Except for the “Royal Mile”, which is the main tourist trap area of the old city, it is just another “large city”. As mentioned during the blog, we will not pay admission prices that equal $20.00 each to see a church or castle. Except for the castle and the main street, we found Edinburgh too touristy as well as a bit dull and depressing. We definitely enjoy the smaller, quaint villages and towns.
It was good to sit down at an internet cafĂ© because for the first time on this trip, my knee was not good. We really praised our “Susi” when we arrived back to the Park & Ride. She’s a beaut! We had left the lights on for the four hours while visiting Edinburgh and she started immediately.
Had a delicious cod dinner and strolled down to the shores of the North Sea with our coffee and brandy to look for fossils. After cards, we realized this was the latest we had gone to bed – 10:30.

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