Saturday, June 30, 2007

June 26

June 26th (rainy blowing morning, sunny, but still cold in afternoon)
Did dishes from last night because they closed the washing area at 6 pm the night before. We were off very soon after that heading south to better weather hopefully. We did some walking around Aberystwyth in the sunshine. It was obvious from the look on the locals’ faces that they too were enjoying the warmth of the sun and the fact it was not raining. We heard on the radio about all the floods and realized that we were lucky to have made it through the Snowdonia Park. Picked up some Stilton cheese, salami and buns for lunch and a couple more Maeve Binchy books for me to read. She is the only author that has captured my interest for reading. I have read three novels so far this trip.
We drove and stopped at different places along the way and often commented on how pretty Wales is. We would highly recommend it. A couple of women from Michigan had mentioned a place called Devils Bridge not far from Aberystwyth. We drove to and very much enjoyed the walk through the forest to the waterfall looking up to three bridges constructed on top of one another in the 1300’s, 1700’s and 1900’s.
We continued driving and were totally entertained by the unusual Welsh language and spelling of the towns and villages. The language seems to be like talking backwards with no vowels and double letters and combinations of letters that do not make any sense at all i.e. Plwmp, Kyfmbry uchef.
We stopped for the evening in St. David’s, a town on the Irish Sea coast in a very lovely camping spot overlooking the Sea. Went for an enjoyable walk along the water and returned to use our disposable barbecue and cooked chicken and potatoes. Delicious!

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