Friday, June 22, 2007

June 20

June 20th (overcast)
After a howling wind and rain storm last evening that kept us awake half the night, we left Bushmills and drove 472 kms to the Cliffs of Moher on the west coast of Ireland. The Bushmills campground was the best equipped so far. It even had a bathtub, microwave oven and free internet access. It was so good to finally hear from our No. 1 son Lucas.
It was a tiring day of driving and the weather was not very conducive to enjoying the sights of this beautiful country, even though so far, we both think Scotland was even more beautiful than Ireland. We entered into the Republic of Ireland from Northern Ireland and immediately noticed the Irish Gaelic writing, the switch back to kms and not miles and Euros and not Ls. The people in the Republic appear to be more affluent for the reason that they got in line with the European Common Market and on the high-tech industry. There are an amazing amount of B&B’s, pubs and places to eat everywhere. We do not see nearly as many caravans, but many tour buses.
We had a bangers dinner with salad and rice and played cards as usual.

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