Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15

June 15th (sunny, very windy)
We were off before 8 a.m. Georg drove today because there was no need for a navigator (I can’t figure out the computer program anyway). We drove the scenic route across the top of Scotland passing through Thurso and part way down the west coast to Ullapool. We were totally taken with the scenery and often stopped to get out and just take it all in. We stopped at a place called Smoo Caves for a walk and had our lunch. We only saw about five people all day. The many towns and places we passed through consisted of about three homes each and although this is the only road in northern Scotland, we saw very few cars. The roads are single-lane and there are many places where you just “pull over”.
We arrived in Ullapool around 2 pm and parked right on the ocean. For the second time, we saw a German Rotel bus (rolling hotel) which is comprised of a regular tour bus that is towing a 42-berth hotel and portable kitchen. What a unique idea. We walked into town and found a pub to download our blog and check our emails. Had a pork chop and mashed potato dinner, played cards, had a few bevies and hit the sack. Hopefully we will not blow away tonight.

1 comment:

alpha said...

Hi, that's an interesting experience. I mean in India you cannot imagine just having seen only 5 people on your entire travel. Seems unbelievable to us.

I came to your blog for the first time and liked it a lot. Will keep visiting.

If you ever get a chance to visit India then never miss this