Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 8

June 8th (sunny with cloudy periods)
Again, up early. Most days I have showered and put coffee on by 6:30 a.m. Georg possibly would like more sleep, but that’s the way it goes in such a small space. We have a couple of cups of Starbuck’s coffee from our maker, read and then have breakfast around 8 a.m.
We walked to the Park & Ride about a mile away and caught the bus into Durham. Durham is a university city of 35,000 and is famous for its beautiful cathedral built in 1093 as well as the Durham Castle. We generally do not go in to an attraction if there is an admission charge. Most of the sights are somewhere around 8 – 9 L, which works out to $15 - $20. The cost of everything is very high in England and we are hoping it will be less expensive in Scotland. The L is worth approx. $2.40 Cdn. What is interesting is that what we normally pay in “$”, they charge in “L”. Therefore, everything is more than double our price. Our campground in Durham is 22L. That works out to almost $50 Cdn. Most of the campgrounds are full especially on the weekend.
I have been fighting a bit of a cold/flu bug, so along with drugs, I had a sleep this afternoon. So far, Georg has not caught it. It was a quiet day today overall. We plan on driving to Edinburgh tomorrow.

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