Saturday, July 14, 2007

July 13

July 13th (mostly sunny, with some rain)
Only had about 120 kms to drive today to get to Georg’s cousins in Mecklar. I mentioned to Georg that he should call because it was only polite to inform them of our arrival time. It was good that he did because Anneliese thought we would be arriving one week later.
As we approached Bad Hersfeld, we began to get excited anticipating meeting with Georg’s relatives again. It has been twelve years since we have seen each other. They both looked well as did his Aunt Katie, Else’s older sister. She was exceptionally excited to see us as it has been even longer since we have seen each other. They have a beautiful home and have done so much work renovating and improving throughout the whole house. The garden is absolutely beautiful and they have lots of nice ornaments and furniture throughout. The home is like it is out of Better Homes and Gardens, but then Anneliese and Alfred have always liked everything perfect.
After having a couple of beer and catching up with each other, we joined about ten of their friends and were treated to a delicious meal at a lovely restaurant in Bad Hersfeld. It was so nice to see Barbel, Anneliese sister, who we have not seen for 35 years.
Very full, we drove home for snaps, beer and more good conversation before collapsing into bed. We have our own section of the house and will stay here until next week some time.

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