Sunday, July 8, 2007

July 6

July 6th (cloudy, cool)
We had less than 100 kms to Susi and Seb’s place in Immenstadt, but what a wonderful drive in and out of Austria along the coast of the Bodensee. As well as traversing Austria, we came very close to the Swiss border. Along the route, there were apple and other fruit and berry orchards and hops being produced. Of course, lots of vineyards everywhere – sort of like our Okanagan area.
As we were getting nearer Immenstadt, we could see why Susi and Sebastian love where they are from in the Allgau region of Bavaria. George couldn’t get enough pictures. I called it “Heidi country” because of the Tyrolian homes with the dark wood, red roofs and gorgeous flower pots, mostly red and pink geraniums, adorning all the windows. Just like out of a story book so beautiful. Susi and Seb are renovating the top portion of her parent’s home and it is looking great. The homes in this region are all quite large and were originally designed for two or three generations living together.
Around 2 pm we arrived to a warm welcome from Susi and Sebi and met her parents, Martin and Rosemarie Ubelhor, who welcomed us with open arms as well. I know how much they appreciated the hospitality we extended to Susi while she was in Canada. We drank a little too much schnaps, beer, wine and brandy by the end of the evening.. Rosemarie made us a traditional Bavarian favorite of the region called Spaetzler which are sort of home-made noodles mixed with a variety of sharp white cheeses and fried onions in butter drizzled over the top. We all just ate out of the same large bowl like a fondue. Along with a delicious salad, it was great. Susi’s cousin Steff, who also stayed with us a year and a half ago, came over to see us with her boyfriend and probably future husband Thomas.
George and I stayed in the nearly completed renovated suite on the top floor and went to bed very late.

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