Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 17

July 17th (sunny and very warm)
Another beautiful day in paradise. The four of us drove into Bad Hersfeld this morning to go to the market. As far as we can see, most villages and cities have specific market days where vendors and farmers sell their produce and ware. Bad Hersfeld has changed a lot since we were here almost thirty years ago – a very cosmopolitan city of 35,000 people with a very active theater company attracting theatre-goers from all over Europe. As in most of the European cities, parking is not allowed or is very minimal inside the city allowing for pedestrian traffic which contributes to the “gemutlich” atmosphere.
Anneliese is a “shopaholic” which drives poor Alfred crazy. She is a very feminine girl and is constantly trying to get me in fluffy clothes and hairstyles. With all the food and drink I have been inhaling lately, I wouldn’t even try clothes on. Besides, what we have brought for our kind of travelling is perfect so far, but I am sure mine are shrinking.
In the early afternoon we were invited to Ferdinand’s 87th birthday. He is Anneliese’s father and we have so many wonderful memories from 1972 in this house with her mother and father. The four of us spent two months on and off staying there and experiencing farm life in the small village of Mecklar. The setting in Mecklar essentially has not changed, however, due to modern farming technologies and the economy, has altered the day-to-day activity in the village.
After many cakes and coffee and a long walk in the countryside, we returned to another meal of potato salad and bratwurst. Needless to say, very full of food and drink, we returned home and to bed.

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