Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 3

July 3rd (cloudy, torrential rains)
We packed up in a hurry and began our drive east towards Nancy and then southeast to Colmar heading towards Immenstadt, Germany where we will spend a couple of days with Susi and Sebastian and their families. These two young people, along with Susi’s cousin Steffi, stayed with George and I Christmas of 2005. My parents met Susi in Australia in 2003.
After a not-so-pleasant journey because of the weather, we arrived in Nancy and could not leave our car even for a small walk because of the horrible rainy, windy weather. Coincidentally, Nancy is where George’s dad was captured by the allies in 1945 and remained a POW until 1946. Another coincidence is that it was George’s deceased father’s birthday today.
We thought we had out-distanced the “black cloud”, but at about 6:30, it started pouring and blowing again along with thunder and lightning.

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