Sunday, July 8, 2007

July 8

July 8th (sunny, with thunder and lightning and torrential rains later in day)
After a good sleep in and breakfast with the Obelhor family, Georg and I said our goodbyes and thanked everyone for showing us a great time in the Allgau. We walked to Steff’s house and she presented us with an Espresso machine and a Spatzler-making apparatus. I look forward to making home-made Spatzler when we are home in Canada.
As always, when you meet good people, it is difficult to say goodbye. Everyone assures us that there is a good chance of seeing us in 2010 for the Olympics. We are also suggesting the idea of home exchange in the future.
Had a very pleasant drive towards Garmish Parten-Kirchen. Susi (our van) performed very well on very difficult switch-back mountain passes today. During our drive, we must have seen well over 1,000 motorcycles. They are everywhere here and well-suited for the mountain passes and highways. We also noticed people hiking, biking, kayaking or generally just keeping fit out and about in the woods and outdoors.
Just for interest sake, we have clocked over 9,000 kms on our journey thus far and have travelled in nine countries.

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