Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 14

July 14th (sunny and warm)
We had a wonderful sleep in a real bed last night. Alfred and Anneliese’s house has four floors and we have our own bathroom and privacy on the top floor. We are very comfortable and are being treated like royalty with lots of good food, drink and conversation. We sure cannot complain about the weather. It is the hottest day so far. It is supposed to be this way for a couple of days and then they are expecting huge thunder storms.
George and I went for a long walk with the dog to see the places we remember from thirty years ago. Dropped in to see Ferdinand, Annie’s father, but he wasn’t home. In 1972, my brother Bill, George’s sister Gerlinde, and George and I spent a lot of time living with her parents, Ferdinand and Lisbeth.
We were included in an invitation to a friend (Bernard’s) birthday celebration near Bad Hersfeld in the early afternoon beginning with coffee and cake, followed by beer and appetizers and then a full dinner. The food was wonderful and the company even better. Most of the people could speak perfect English. After a long night of laughter and many different kinds of snaps, we headed back to Mecklar.

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