Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 20

July 20th (sunny with thunder showers)
The four of us and the French exchange student, Romain , had a lovely drive today in and around the Ludwidsau district comprising thirteen small villages. Alfred took us on a tour of Point Alpha which used to be an American observation station overlooking the previous east German border barrier. At its zenith, the border ran the length of Germany approx. 1,400 kms with walls of steel, barbed wire and one of solid concrete 10 feet high. The “no man’s land” was heavily mined and patrolled by guard dogs and machine gun stations. As we were touring the museum at Point Alpha, one of the biggest thunder storms we have ever witnessed came upon us. The earth shook and the rain was beyond torrential.
When we were in the parking lot ready to leave, a shepherd was bringing his very large flock across the meadows and allowing his sheepdog to perform its duties. From there we drove to a Gasthaus well-known in the area for the huge, delicious cakes and coffee. Overall, we have not found Germany overly expensive, but by far, the food and beer is the best.
After stopping here and there and enjoying the drive, we stopped again at a very old Guest House and restaurant where we had authentic German essen (food) and delicious beer. The day was fantastic and we are very appreciative of the time and attention extended to us. Alfred and Anneliese would like us to stay longer, but we are on our way Sunday to Nurnberg. It is time to move on.

1 comment:

Eileen & Bob said...

Hey, Sand, how is Georg's weight going....or is it only u getting larger?????????

Keep up the blog, love it and look forward to it.

see u in the fall.
